Is your property adequately insured?
Inland Marine Insurance protects against the loss or damage to different types of property, including property being transported, buildings under construction, computer equipment, motor truck cargo, customer’s property in a business’ care and control, and even fine art, jewelry, musical equipment, and other types of business property.
Consider all the property that your business handles, transports, stores, or is contractually obligated to indemnify if held responsible for loss or damage. Inland Marine insurance policies are flexible and are used most often for businesses with unique property insurance needs. For instance, many businesses these days utilize extremely expensive technology, including point-of-sale systems, satellites, servers, machines, or security systems. Other businesses store massive amounts of data containing private, personal client information.
A security breach or virus could cause your business to lose very valuable information that you could not afford to replace if corrupted or stolen. Construction companies, carriers and haulers, storage companies, and museums all need this type of insurance. Whether your business has real property or intellectual property, an Inland Marine policy can be customized to protect your business.
A quick fact about Inland Marine Insurance.
Inland Marine policies were created by the insurance industry to allow for a flexible and customizable contract to protect business property. Originally, marine insurance protected property while it was being shipped overseas and transported through a supply chain of distributors.
This type of policy is most commonly purchased by businesses today in the construction, technology, transportation, and art industries, as well as dry cleaners, medical equipment suppliers, and communications businesses.
Do not pay an overpriced rate for this unregulated policy!
Unlike many types of insurance, Marine Insurance Companies are not regulated by government insurance bureaus. Whereas most states require insurance carriers to file Commercial Property and Liability policies with a state insurance bureau, Marine Insurance is controlled entirely by the insurance carrier, allowing marine policies to be more competitively priced and largely unregulated by the government. Boynton Insurance Group represents many of the most competitively priced and quality marine insurance carriers nationwide. Our Marine Insurance specialists will work with you and your business to customize an Inland Marine policy to protect against the property loss exposures that threaten your business the most.