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Are you a manager or owner of a technology firm? Get the crash protection to keep your business running smoothly.

Software/IT Consultant Insurance

Software/IT Consultant Insurance

Cyber Liability

Cyber Liability Insurance protects you from lawsuits alleging your negligence in failing to adequately safeguard your clients' private information. Does your firm work with businesses in the health, financial, or government sectors? Perhaps your business has worked with a local dentist or clinic, bank or financial planning firm, or a municipal department that handles private information such as social security numbers, bank account numbers or dates of birth. Can you think of one of your clients that handles this type of personal information? In this era of businesses going paperless, many tech firms are being asked to help transition from old to new filing systems, or simply help organize customers' information with personal data. If your firm has helped a business that handles this type of information, you could be held responsible if there is a security breach that unveils personal and private data, even if your firm has already completed the work or contract.

Employee Dishonesty

Employee Dishonesty Insurance is often required when entering into contracts with other businesses, and has become more prevalent due to the increasing trend in workplace fraud. This insurance protects your firm from a loss involving money, securities and other property, committed by the fraudulent act of one of your employees. Your workforce may be growing rapidly, and as you hire, it can be difficult to check every reference or ensure you are performing your due diligence on a particular new hire's background. Even if you have known your workforce for some time, one of your employees may undergo financial stress and use your business to find an easy, yet criminal way to recuperate. Perhaps you have a disgruntled ex-employee who has access to your clients' accounts, or copied and kept a key to your client's workplace. How well do you know your employees, and how can you be sure they will not compromise your firm with a criminal act of fraud or theft?

Businesses competing in the technology industry will often need the following types of insurance:

Errors & Omissions

Errors & Omissions (E&O) Insurance protects your firm from lawsuits alleging that your client suffered a financial loss or loss of reputation as a result of your products' or services' failure to perform. Many companies ensure the quality of their work, perhaps making guarantees, or developing a contract based on the achievement of a final result or automated solution. What if your firm puts in countless hours of hard work, only to discover that one small glitch causes an enormous and unpredicted business interruption to your client?

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Maybe you are just considering what insurance options are available for your new venture, or maybe you are well established and just checking up on your insurance needs after several years of developing your business. There are common concerns for businesses in the technology sector, but tech firms can be very unique. As your business grows, ask yourself, "What is my worst business nightmare?"
Everything went smoothly with the release of your latest software upgrade or web site launch. Suddenly, your clients are calling to complain that your work failed to perform as expected. Soon after, you have law suits rushing in against you and your company for hundreds of thousands of dollars. The damage to your company's reputation is bad enough, but then you discover from your agent that your general liability insurance does not cover losses arising from faulty software or programming. How will you pay the expensive attorney's fees, court costs and damages to your customers that typically reach into the six figures for such tech related lawsuits? Technology businesses experience these disasters every day, often resulting in business failure or bankruptcy. As a business owner, you aim to please your clients, and protect the growth of your business. Boynton Insurance Group has been in business since 1919, and our Technology Insurance Specialists can help explain the benefits and details of a business insurance program designed for your industry. We offer affordable insurance options to meet your needs today, and in the future as your business develops.

What are my  potential risks? 

Your goal as a business owner is to keep your employees happy and, in turn, keep your business running smoothly.

At Boynton Insurance Group, we understand that necessity. Our representatives are here to help you create an insurance package that fits your business’s needs. Call today to set up a consultation.

Image by Daryan Shamkhali

Best-in-Class Insurance
Unbeatable Pricing!

Boynton Insurance Group has partnered with best-in-class insurance providers to provide the best coverage at the best prices. Check it out for yourself now!

Boynton Insurance Group will help your business identify critical insurance risks and provide solutions for managing and transferring those risks. We can help you professionally respond to the insurance requirements of those contracts you hold with your clients. Our agency can provide various types of insurance for your business, including Workers Compensation, Property & General Liability, Electronic Equipment, Crime Insurance (including 3rd party), and more. A careful and customized review of your current coverage, business operations, and plans for future business development can help you gauge your business' particular risks. Our Technology Insurance Specialists are ready to guide your business with personal consultation and a carefully tailored insurance package.

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